Our Life-Skills Coaching program empowers our participants by increasing their confidence and implementing coaching on the basic skills needed in living up to their potential and preparing them to live independently. It is the aim of our life skill coaches to ensure that each individual finds and develops all their potential to live the quality of life they desire. Often times, as teens and young adults, limitations may exist that minimize their capabilities. These limitations are often passed down by caretakers to their children and have an adverse impact on the type of goals and expectations adolescents place on themselves.
Focus Areas
Financial Management (opening bank accounts, saving money, buying groceries, etc.)
Self Confidence (strength finding/ inner strength, motivation, assertiveness)
Job Preparation (resume writing, interview coaching, dressing appropriately, etc.)
School support (study skills, organization, time management, etc.)
Social Skills, Communication, positive conflict resolution with peers and adults
Daily living (hygiene, meal planning and preparation, grocery shopping)
Community resource linkage (identifying and accessing government agencies, voter registration, obtaining and organizing vital records)